
Partnerships Fall 2023
November 3, 2023
Read the Fall 2023 issue of Partnerships to learn about new partners, get updates about our programs and access funding opportunities.
Partnerships Summer 2023
August 9, 2023
Read the Summer 2023 issue of Partnerships to learn about new partners, get updates about our programs and access funding opportunities.
Sierra Health Foundation invests over $1 million to address ongoing disparities in Californian communities
July 5, 2023

Join us for our Speaker Series event on May 31
May 24, 2023
Advocate, researcher and social change strategist Arnold L. Chandler will share the groundbreaking LifeCourse Framework to give us a better understanding of social problems that face boys and men of color. In addition, Sierra Health Foundation Program Officer Ray Green and the My Brother’s Keeper Collaborative’s strategy leads will unveil the 2023–2026 Guide to Action — their strategy to unlock greater opportunities for Sacramento’s boys and men of color. Learn more on our Speaker Series page.

Partnerships April-May 2023
May 24, 2023
Read the April-May issue of Partnerships to learn about our Equity on the Mall event, read new reports, get updates about our programs and access funding opportunities.
Join us for our Speaker Series event on May 25
May 2, 2023
Civil rights attorney and author Michelle Coles will be our guest for this virtual Speaker Series event, Past Is Prologue: Uncovering Our Past Holds the Key to a Better, More Inclusive Tomorrow. Communities across America are grappling with big questions about racial inequality. How do we effect lasting change? Join us for this insightful, hopeful talk. Learn more on our Speaker Series page.
Policy Brief: Pandemic Changes to Medi-Cal and Implications for California’s Immigrant Farmworkers
March 28, 2023
Pandemic changes to Medi-Cal made it easier for low-income Californians to stay enrolled and to access expanded services—improvements to care that may have helped immigrant farmworkers. The upcoming end of the public health emergency will reverse some of these changes, as advocates push to keep others permanent. Sierra Health Foundation supported the publication of this Public Policy Institute of California policy brief (
Partnerships – February-March 2023
March 24, 2023
Read the February-March issue of Partnerships to learn about new partners in our Community Economic Mobilization Initiative, check out the 2022 Elevate Youth California Annual Report, get information on events, meet our newest staff members and find employment opportunities.
Sierra Health Foundation invests in San Joaquin Valley and My Brother’s Keeper Sacramento
March 23, 2023
Sierra Health Foundation announced $700,000 in new grants to the San Joaquin Valley Health Fund and My Brother’s Keeper Sacramento collaborative. The Foundation seeded both programs through its nonprofit partner, The Center, to improve health in the San Joaquin Valley and among boys and men of color. The full amount will be regranted to community-based nonprofits through a collaborative investment strategy.
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Chet P. Hewitt honored as Most Admired CEO
March 21, 2023
The Sacramento Business Journal honored Chet P. Hewitt as one of the region's Most Admired CEOs in the nonprofit category. Chet serves as President and CEO of Sierra Health Foundation and CEO of The Center. Each year, the publication honors outstanding chief executives in the Sacramento metropolitan area leading for-profit and nonprofit organizations.
Photo: Chet with Kaying Hang, President of The Center and Senior Vice President of Programs and Partnerships for Sierra Health Foundation.

Partnerships – January 2023
January 31, 2023
Read the January issue of Partnerships for a new year video message from Chet P. Hewitt, read our recent statements in response to violence, learn about a new funding opportunity, get program updates, meet our newest staff members and find employment opportunities.
Happy new year!
January 31, 2023
This year, the Sierra Health Foundation and The Center are focused on ensuring that community-based nonprofits and underserved communities have the assistance they need to participate in and benefit from recovery-focused initiatives. We are honored to take up this charge.
One month into 2023 and it’s clear that public investments are shifting from responding to the COVID-19 pandemic to recovering from it. The shift will happen simultaneously at the local, state and national levels. The impending funding reductions across a broad array of public services will significantly impact the health and well-being of communities across California.
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